
Welcome to this website where my French accent, Lebanese blood and Mediterranean appetite guide a bubbly kitchen in the heart of Miami, Florida.

Crêpes Suzette

Crêpes Suzette

This is a classical French dessert. Yes, it is “old school” but certainly has loyal fans. The origins are disputed and many versions come up when searching for the name relevance. The only consistent information is that Suzette relates to the name of the “beautiful lady” this dessert was first prepared for.

This sweet recipe has two parts: the crêpes and the Suzette finishing touch. You can make the crêpes up to two days in advance. Just before serving, you impress your loved ones or guests with this orange flavored dessert and a little drama: Flambé!
Flambé is nothing else than helping the alcohol to evaporate and caramelize a little bit.
Use Grand Marnier it has all the flavors you are looking for.
I tried to make this recipe with store bought orange juice and freshly squeezed one. There is no comparison. You have to make your own orange juice! The ending results are really different. Your patience will be rewarded. Squeeze!!!

Bon appétit (:


Highlight of the Flambé Stage during the The Bistro Classics class on March 14th, 2017: On the menu that day, Tapenade, Aioli, Onion Soup, and Crêpes Suzette. Everything went well… until dessert stage.

Try picturing the scene. The counter was cleared and ready for the last demo. All attendees were standing just in front of the stove as I was emphasizing the necessity for a good prep, the security and safety precautions I encourage them to take when trying to make the recipe at home. I went through the multiple steps orally so they knew what to expect. They were all listening carefully, holding their breath as the excitement of the Crêpes Suzette episode was building up. Came the step of the Grand Marnier… and with a loud and proud voice I said: “now we flambé!!!”




Nothing happened.

Not a single sparkle. Not a single flame.

I can’t even imagine my facial expressions at that specific moment. Major frustration? Hmmm... it's an understatement. I made the dessert a dozen times before. Twelve successful trials. 12. successful.

The good thing about this dessert is having to make it in small batches. Redemption was a few minutes away… and of course, it was a success. The next 5 batches were perfect; flamboyant drama included!!

If it was going to fail once, it HAD to be the first one in public. Otherwise I wouldn’t have a story. Right? (:


Crêpes Suzette

recipe credits: Rafaella Sargi
amount for 4 crêpes.

3 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 1/2 tablespoon unsalted butter, small diced
1/3 cup freshly squeezed orange juice (room temperature)
1 teaspoon finely grated orange zest*
4 crêpes (for the detailed recipe: sweet Crêpe Dough )
12 orange wedges (suprêmes)
1 1/2 tablespoon Grand Marnier

Prep all the ingredients.
You will need a frying pan, a lid (for emergency control. Please see safety note), a long reach lighter (or long match sticks), a small spatula and a spoon. 

It is very important to have all the ingredients ready, even for the Grand Marnier. Do not pour directly from the bottle it is potentially dangerous.

In a large frying pan, melt the sugar over medium heat without mixing. Let it melt. It will take a few minutes, be patient and stay next to the pan. Once the sugar is melted the other steps are fast and need your full attention.

As soon as the sugar has completely melted and starts turning golden brown lower the heat to medium-low, add the butter and be careful. It will foam and splash a little bit. Mix well. Add the orange juice and zest then mix to incorporate all the ingredients and make a nice silky sauce. Place one crêpe in the pan, then fold it into quarters. Repeat with 3 others… I call it the crêpes’ Spa time. This is how you will coat the interior of the crêpes with the delicious sauce you are making. Once the crêpes have been folded add the orange wedges and Grand Marnier. Let the alcohol bubble for a few seconds. Turn the heat OFF. Light the pan preferably at the same location you poured the Grand Marnier. Ta-da… Flambé!! Once the flames die, turn back the heat to medium-low and baste the folded crêpes with the pan sauce. Serve immediately.


Important safety note: Keep the lid next to you in case the flames get out of control; just cover the pan with the lid and that should do it.

> Kids friendly version: You can prepare this recipe without the Grand Marnier and the Flambé step. <

*When grating the orange and extracting the zest, try not to push hard on the fruit and avoid the “white” section of the peel because it is bitter. The small pockets of intense flavor are in the orange part of the skin. I personally use a super fine microplane grater. I hold the orange in one hand and with the other I lightly pass the microplane grater on the top of the orange peel. The zest I end up with is light and dissolves when mixed or cooked. You get the flavors but not the thick curly residue. Your patience will be rewarded! (:

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